This animation reflects the brightness of the sunlight that streams through the studio windows. The girl on the right hand side initially has the sun in her eyes, however when the element is turned on, it blocks out the sun and provides shade. The animation shows the sun shades adding a shadow and blocking out the sun. This element can enable the students to study and learn without being irritated and distracted by the sunlight.


In alignment with my theory of adaptability, flexibility and responsiveness, I have created sun shade panels which have both an automatic and manual control feature. The sun shades are solar powered and have a smooth vertical movement pathway. They travel up and down the glass window along a transparent belt.

Sun streaming into studio space

Brightly lit studio space with stationary panels

Panels not in use due to lack of sun and rain conditions

Inside the studio when sun isn't shining in

The switch for the element is on the left - can be put on automatic mode or has an adjustable/manual switch

Terrace of common room looking up at studios with sun panels 

View from the roundhouse of the two studio rooms and moving sun panels  

On the automatic mode, these panels move vertically in alignment with Sydneys sun path (dependant on the time of year/day). The panels offer cover and shade to students studying inside the two studio spaces. The studio spaces have large glass windows as natural sunlight is very useful for architectural sketching and modelling. However during specific times of the day the sunlight can be very strong and overpowering/too bright. The students and teachers can find this irritating and inconvenient as it can add a glare or shadow to the white board, sketching paper or computer screens. Therefore these panels can be very useful, increasing productiveness and effectiveness. Alternatively, the panels can be manually controlled and moved in the vertical direction to please users/teacher needs inside the room.

These panels are removable from the outside and can be reattached with the belt to any of the buildings glass panels. Therefore, they are flexible and allow for adaptability. The sun blinds align with my theory as they can be moved around to accomodate for building changes that may take place in the future. Additionally, they respond to natural sunlight pathways that cannot be changed, therefore this element moves to respond to this.

Sun panels are designed to fit in with aesthetic yellow pillars

Strong sunlight projecting into the studio rooms

Additional Sun Shade Element Animations:


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